
The Ultimate Multi-Chain Asset Alpha Platform

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The Ultimate Multi-Chain Inscription Alpha Platform

ETH Ecosystem
BTC Ecosystem(Merlin + Bitlayer)
Other EVM Ecosystem
Onchain Assets
Inscription Assets
The Inscription Bridge functions like a series of bridges and highways for developers, linking isolated islands to the mainland of interoperability. It simplifies the deployment of decentralized applications (DApps) and wallet integration across blockchains, significantly enhancing the utility and accessibility of inscription assets and ensuring they are as widespread and easy to use as conventional digital assets.

Application Scenarios

Enhanced Utility for Wallets and DApps
Revolutionizing DeFi, GameFi and SocialFi
Empowering Inscription Creators
Innovating in Payments
Pioneering Oracle Services
Bridging With Web2 Applications


The distribution of $GZERO tokens is strategically designed to foster growth, collaboration, and sustainability within the Layer 0 Inscription Protocol ecosystem. The total supply of $GZERO is 2.1 billion.

• 33% Airdrop:

Reward the community's engagement and foster a supportive network of participants.

• 30% Foundation

This allocation is vital for increasing awareness, driving adoption, and positioning our protocol as a transformative force in the blockchain space.

• 15% Team

• 10% Investors

Dedicated to influencers and community leaders, recognizing their crucial role in amplifying our reach and driving the ecosystem's growth.

• 10% Ecosystem & Builder

This portion supports cross-chain collaborations and co-building initiatives, especially with BTC L2 and other ecosystems.

• 2% Advisor

Reserved for advisors who offer effective strategies and guidance to the Glypher platform, with a 36-month linear release schedule.



$GZERO Token Economy Announcement
Inscription Bridge Launch
EVM Inscription Staking
Glypher BRC-20 Indexer Support
ZERO-20 Standard Release
2024 Q1
2024 Q2
Protocol Scaling to ETH and BSC
Avalanche Inscription (ASC-20) Indexer Support
Wallet Inscription Integration
Collaboration within TG
Protocol Scaling to BTC and Solana Chains
ZERO-721 and ZERO-404 Standards Release
$GZERO ERC20 Token Launch
ZERO-420 Standard Release
2024 Q3
2024 Q4
Decentralized Indexer Network
Oracle Service
2025 Q1
2025 Q2
InscriptZero SDK Release
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Aggregator Integration
Virtual Real Estate Platform
2025 Q3
2025 Q4
On-Chain AI Corpus Repository
Educational Credentialing System

